Professional Development

“Life-long learning is critical to our role as the intermediary for youth development across Greater Cleveland. In response to feedback we have been given at the grassroots, local, and statewide levels, MyCom will host courses capable of meeting the needs of professionals in our field,” said Kasey Morgan, MyCom Chief Strategy Officer.

Courses are designed to support the following levels of knowledge:

  • Fundamental Awareness: Courses that provide basic knowledge for professionals who have little to no knowledge of the topic.
  • Novice: Courses targeted for professionals with limited experience of the topic.
  • Intermediate: Courses targeted for professionals with knowledge but are designed to demonstrate practical applications of concepts.
  • Advanced: Courses designed to examine an applied theory for professionals.
  • Expert: Courses conducted for recognized authorities on specific topics.

Since the beginning of MyCom, professional development has been a critical tenet of MyCom. During the Pandemic, MyCom hosted training for front-line workers and MyCom regional coordinators across various topics ranging from work/life balance to program design and evaluation.

Post-pandemic training has continued to be requested from the over 280 network partners as professionals are working with children and young adults who still demonstrate ripple effects from the trauma of the Pandemic.

For 2024, MyCom will host courses designed to respond to the needs of the network and built for the variety of experience and skills of the agencies' professionals.

The upcoming courses will include sessions such as:

  • Fundamental Awareness:
    • Mental Health Care for Participants
    • YPAR Introduction
  • Novice:
    • Program Design & Budgeting
    • Retaining Youth Development Staff
  • Intermediate:
    • Good to Great for the Social Sector: Practical Applications
    • Summer Programming & Fund Development
  • Advanced:
    • Peer-to-Peer Challenge Solving
    • Conducting a Neighborhood Assessment
  • Expert:
    • Moving a Needle: Assessing Broad Youth Development Benchmarks
    • Creating Entrepreneurial Career Pathways within a Continuum for Future Workers

The entire course catalog will be available April 1, 2024.

MyCom Professional Development


  • “MyCom Youth Development Initiative aims to engage via education, such amazing out-of-school opportunities as they recognize that youth who are bullied are more likely to feel disconnected from school."
    Curtis Benjamin
  • "MyCom has extended hundreds of youth exceptional opportunities to grow, expand their knowledge and express their voice in so many ways. I can honestly say that the youth are not the only ones who are learning, growing and having wonderful exposure opportunities. This adult is a beneficiary of countless blessing as well."
    Brenda Pryor
    MyCom Coordinator
  • "It was amazing, and really made me think of my community more, and how I can change it"
    Brandan Newton
    Anton Grdina FLOW Participant

MyCom will enact our mission with race and equality at the forefront of our work as we always have. We will use our thought-leadership, funding, advocacy, and network to redesign service delivery. Together we will rethink infrastructure and create solutions that eliminate access to healthcare, cyclical poverty, access to quality education, housing stability, and other barriers that have impacted black lives.

13815 Kinsman Rd, Suite 104
Cleveland, OH 44120
P: 216-399-2271

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