Regional Spotlight: Mt. Pleasant, Union-Miles, & Lee Harvard Neighborhoods

February 16, 2023

Regional Spotlight Interview with MyCom Coordinator Lisa Mack of Thea Bowman Center.

What are the youth development priorities for the Mt. Pleasant, Union-Miles, & Lee Harvard Neighborhoods?

Our priorities are (1) support academic support services for the children and young adults; (2) support Workforce Development practices that lead to self-sufficient careers; (3) garner community support and engagement with a wide-ranging group of organizations as partners; and (4) address safety issues with prevention, intervention, and healing strategies.

What actions & strategies does the Mt. Pleasant, Union-Miles, & Lee-Harvard Region use to address the youth development priorities?

A great deal of the efforts of the Mt. Pleasant Region center around addressing social emotional learning and mental health. Youth have much to regain due to the pandemic, so we are building opportunities for recovery and advancement in our work.

We are bringing creative arts opportunities to the region, fostering innovative STEM programs, working to strengthen literacy skills, and keeping youth voice at the forefront of all activities/programs.

Click here to read the full interview!


  • “MyCom Youth Development Initiative aims to engage via education, such amazing out-of-school opportunities as they recognize that youth who are bullied are more likely to feel disconnected from school."
    Curtis Benjamin
  • "MyCom has extended hundreds of youth exceptional opportunities to grow, expand their knowledge and express their voice in so many ways. I can honestly say that the youth are not the only ones who are learning, growing and having wonderful exposure opportunities. This adult is a beneficiary of countless blessing as well."
    Brenda Pryor
    MyCom Coordinator
  • "It was amazing, and really made me think of my community more, and how I can change it"
    Brandan Newton
    Anton Grdina FLOW Participant

MyCom will enact our mission with race and equality at the forefront of our work as we always have. We will use our thought-leadership, funding, advocacy, and network to redesign service delivery. Together we will rethink infrastructure and create solutions that eliminate access to healthcare, cyclical poverty, access to quality education, housing stability, and other barriers that have impacted black lives.

13815 Kinsman Rd, Suite 104
Cleveland, OH 44120
P: 216-399-2271

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